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The most important points to seize and occupy are (First) Herbertshohe and Rabaul, then Friedrich Wilhelmshafen.
These should be garrisoned fairly strongly, particularly Rabaul, and positions entrenched.
It may possibly be advisable to place small garrisons at one or two other points, or at least post an Officer and a Sergeants' guard at each to represent British authority.
The Flag to be hoisted at each of the important places, with as much ceremony as possible, and British occupation duly and publicly proclaimed.
Detailed instructions to be issued to the Officer in command of the garrison at each place as to disarming inhabitants, protecting life and property, securing law and order among Natives, continuing Native Police, protecting supplies, Hospitals, Wharves, Stores, Supplies, &c.
From information received to date, I do not anticipate any opposition to landing or occupation at either place.
After garrisoning the two main places, it would be advisable to keep the balance of the Force on board the "Berrima" at Simpsonhaven in preference to camping ashore, in order to minimize the effects of Malaria, which it may be expected will be troublesome later on in the Summer when the Mosquito becomes more active. This Force would act as a mobile reserve for use wherever required, and to act as reliefs to the garrisons when necessary. The Troops would go ashore daily for training.
I consider the Force at present at my disposal on the "Berrima" is sufficient from the information now to hand, to accomplish what is required.
With regard to the Detachment now on board the "Kanowna" at Port Moresby; these are, I understand, mostly young Trainees under the Universal Training System, who form portion of the Garrison Troops of Thursday Island, probably immature men. My present impression is, that it will not be necessary or advisable to take them on any further, but allow them to remain at Port Moresby as a Reserve, and await developments.
I prefer, however, before coming to a definite decision, to await arrival at Port Moresby, and ascertain their physical condition, as I should not be surprised if there are a good many sick among them already, in which case they would be a hindrance rather than an advantage. The condition of their equipment, and state of efficiency and training must also be ascertained.
I quite realise that as long as the German Warships in these waters are unaccounted for there is danger, but I assume that as soon as my Force had been safely
disposed of on German Terrritory, the Warships of the Australian and China Stations, will at once search for and definitely locate the hostile vessels, which will clear up the whole situation.
When this is accomplished it would seem quite unnecessary to further retain any considerable Force in the vicinity, and beyond what is required for garrison duty, the Troops might be utilised in some other part of the Empire and the detachment now on the "Kanowna" at Port Moresby could be returned to Queensland.