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Rabaul  20/9/14
To,  Colonel W. Holmes. D.S.O., V.D.
Brigadier Commanding 1st. Australian Naval & Military Expedition.

Report: By The Adjutant, 2nd. Infantry Regiment.
1.  Reported for duty to Major Aiken on S.S.Kanowna 11.30 A.M. September 9th. 1914
Condition of troops on that day was as follows:
(a)  Clothing:  The men had only one suit of uniform each, (some of which had been issued under Universal Training Regulations some months previously) and as this had been worn continuously for five weeks it was very dirty and in many cases, torn and unservicable.  51 men had boots, not fit to wear.  4 of these men had not received new boots for eighteen months.
(b)  Rations:  The ship's stores, in potatoes, onions, and jam had been exhausted for 14 days.  During this period they had drawn on the troops, 30 days rations.  A portion of the remainder was unfit for consumption.
(c)  Water:  As the S.S. Kanowna had no condensing plant, fresh water was very scarce; the troops being allowed 3 pints of water a day.  While in Port Moresby, one of the fleet condensed water for the ship, and a small quantity was obtained from the Governor.  The ships officers stated that the scarcity of water was due to unrestricted use, immediately after leaving Thursday Island; 22,000 gals being used on one occasion, in 24 hours.
(d)  Sanitation:  The decks and latrines used by the troops were in a dirty condition, particularly one latrine where a pipe had broken and the urine had been allowed  to collect on the floor, to a depth of nine inches in one corner.
(e)  Organisation and Administration:  The regimental strength

Current Status: 