State Library of NSW
[Page 84]
It was rather late on the 25th that we left, having experienced the first taste of Colonial kindness, making us all the more eager to reach Aussie.
Before reaching Adelaide, on the 14th of July, we experienced some rough weather and very funny it was to see some getting along the decks when at an angle of about 30°. As soon as we got to the wharf, the difference of Aussie was apparent. Quite indefinable, but plain & unmistakable..
How different the people appeared to us! There was not a very big crowd but their manner seemed so spontaneous and heartfelt. The kindness received at Capetown was great, but here at last we were home. How true the old saying of ours – "Put me anywhere in Aussie, and I'll be home". It did not matter that Sydney was still a week's travel distant.
Going ashore was a wonderful thing. and as everything was of so much interest time passed quickly and we went [on] board again to dream of our own homes. Our tempers were tried in the morning though for the boat
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