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[Exhibit "A"]
Australian Naval & Military Expedition
"A" Coy Head Quarters.
Rabaul. 17th Sept. 1914
O.C. Garrrison:-
Condition of Government House at dawn on 14th Sept. 1914.
In compliance with instructions, I beg to report that on the night 12 - 13th September, I established an outpost line on the road Rabaul-Namanula. During the night Patrols were sent out, one going as far as Government House, but not entering the Grounds. There were lights in the building.
(2) Upon arrival at Namanula about 5.45 a.m.on Sunday, the 13th, I was informed that several German Officials had been staying at Government House and had been using the stores and liquors.
(3) I established my Headquarters at the Government Offices midway between the Hospital and Government House, and sent a Patrol to the latter place, under Lieut. Bruce.
(4) Shortly after Lieut. Bruce's arrival at Government House Lieut.-Col. J. Paton, V.D. drove up and by his instructions sentries were posted. Up to this time the building had, so far as I can learn, not been entered.
(5) I went there personally about 9.a.m. and found the building open, and clothing strewn about; There were also bottles and glasses, containing dregs of liquour, standing on the furniture. The place had the appearance of the occupants having left hurriedly.
(6) The instructions issued by me were that no private property was to be interfered with at the building, and I am satisfied that up to the time of my arrival there had been no such interference, and a similar condition obtained when I withdrew my Company, less one section - which I left in charge of Colour Sergeant Mack - at 12 O'clock (Noon) Sunday.
(7) On the evening of the 13th Sept. Lieut. Bruce and another section went to Namanula to strengthen then outpost line.
(8) About midnight 13-14 Sept. (Sunday night) I visited the outpost line including Government House, and everything was apparently in order. Lieut. Sadler was in charge of the Signallers in the Government House Grounds. I did not enter the building which was in darkness.
[? added after the words 'building' and 'darkness']
(9) I am not aware of the exact condition of the building at present, but can only repeat that up to the time I left, viz:- 12' O'clock (Noon) on the 13th, no drawers had been forced open or anything removed beyond some documents, which I sent to O.C. Garrison.
(10) As to what transpired subsequent to my departure, I attach reports by Lieut. Bruce and Col. Sergeant Mack.
Exhibit A.
R H Beardsmore Major
Commdr 'A' Coy