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Military Government of New Guinea
Administration Order No. 26.
By Colonel S.A. Pethebridge, C.M.G., Administrator.
Rabaul, 2/2/15
(1) The attention of all ranks Naval and Military Force is directed to paragraph 72 page 247 of Manual of Military Law, which reads as follows:-
"72. Everything which is captured with prisoners and is not included under the term "personal belongings" becomes the property of the belligerent government and not of the individual or units capturing them. (c)"
(2) All Officers, Petty Officers, Non commissioned Officers and men embarking for Australia are therefore cautioned that before any baggage is received on board transports it will be liable to be searched by Officers duly appointed for the purpose to ensure that no Government or other property is being improperly removed from Rabaul.
(3) A sworn declaration in writing is to be submitted by each Staff or other Officer in charge of units to the Officers appointed for the purpose to the effect that they have personally examined the kit and baggage of every Officer, P.O., N.C.O. and man under their command, and that no Government or other property is included therein that should not be removed from the place of embarkation.
(4) The Officers appointed for the purposes referred to in the two preceding paragraphs are:-
Major F.W. Toll, V.D., Capt. Bell, Capt. G.O. Manning and Capt. Field Martell.
(5) The Officer commanding troops at Rabaul and Herbertshohe will make the necessary arrangements for all baggage to be delivered on the pier in sufficient time and in such manner as to enable any requisite examination to be made as expeditiously as possible.
(Sgd) S.A. Pethebridge Colonel.