Item 02: General William Holmes operation orders, 1914-June 1916 - Page 169

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[Page 169]

[In margin - handwritten] O C Troops

Military Government of New Guinea
Administration Order No. 26.
By Colonel S.A. Pethebridge, C.M.G., Administrator.
Rabaul, 13/1/15

The Administrator has been pleased to approve of the following promotions in the 3rd Battalion, Australian N. & M. Expedition, to date from 1st January 1915.

To be Lieutenants.- 
2/Lieut.  Edward Stanley Walker
Charles W. Brearley
Percy John Miller
Walter Mansel Balfour Ogilvy
To be 2/Lieut, Quartermaster, and Supply Officer.
O.R.Sergt. James George Price.

(Sgd) Francis Heritage  Major.
Military Secretary

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