[Page 137]
[See pages 54 to 58 for hand-written version of this document]
Australian Naval and Military Expedition. Infantry Battalion.
H.M.A.S. "Berrima"
To/ Brigadier Commanding. Naval & Militarry Expedition.
Report of Operations of 13th, 14th, & 15th Sept. 1914
by Lieut. Col., W.W. Russell Watson, V.D. Commanding.
In accordance with your instructions at 5 p.m. on 13th Sept., I embarked on H.M.A.S. "Encounter" with "G" and "H" Companies of Infantry and A.A.M.C. details, to reinforce Herbertshohe Garrison. Arrived Herbertshohe 7 p.m. and found that attack on Garrison was a false alarm, and signalled you message to this effect. At 1:24 a.m. on the 14th. orders received to proceed and occupy Toma and clear up situation, I then sent Captain Lane to "Encounter" with marked positions and ranges of enemy's position and requested Captain Lewin to co-operate with me at daybreak by shelling enemy with Lydite and to send a section of Machine Guns ashore also.
The Column did not leave the Coast Road until 6:15 a.m. after shelling had ceased and then proceeded slowly up the hills to Gire Gire which was reached at 10 a.m. A half Company of under Lieut. Westgarth was sent forward along the loop road to Takapur and thence to Toma. The Main Body moving along Toma Road. At 12 noon a flag of truce was sent in, but did not think its terms satisfactory especially as the Officer demanded Four hours armistice before he could give me a reply, I sent forward a written demand for surrender of the Governor and his principal Officials, saying that I intended to continue my advance on Toma (a copy of which has already been forwarded to you) The advance was continued at 1 p.m. and Toma was occupied at 3:10, the