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Australian Naval and Military Expedition.
Garrison Headquarters,
Rabaul.  1st October 1914

Garrison Troops
No. 1 Coy. R.A.N.R.
A,B,C.& D Coys  Infantry Battalion
Machine Gun Section   Infantry Battalion
Signalling Section   Infantry Battalion
Transport Section   Infantry Battalion
A.A.M.C. Detail.

Tactical Dispositions.

Unit Position Area of Responsibility
No. 1 Coy. R.A.N.R. On and in vicinity of main Pier. (1) Main Pier and approaches
(2) Protection of Shipping
C. Coy. Infantry South side of main Pier (1) Harbor foreshores south of Pier
(2) Matupi-Rabaul Road
(3) Protection of coal at Matupi.
D. Coy. Infantry North side of main Pier Harbor Foreshore North of Pier
B. Coy. Infantry.
M. Gun Section
On Namanula Hill Protection of Wireless Station, and approach to Hill from Ocean and Harbor.
A. Coy. Garrison Headquarters General Reserve
Signalling Detachment (1) Section on Mother Mount
(2) Section on Wharf
(3) Section Namanula Hill
(4) Section at Garrison H. Qrs.
A.A.M.C. Detail (1) Detachment at Namanula Hospital
(2) Detachment at Town Hospital.

Native Police.  On the alarm sounding, or in the even of any emergency, the Native Police are to be assembled at the Native Police barracks. (No ammunition to be issued).
Ratings.  The O.C. B. Coy. is responsible for the protection of the Reserve supply of Water, Food and Ammunition stored at Namanula Hill.

[Signed]  J Paton  Lt. Col.
O.C. Rabaul Garrison.

Current Status: 