Item 02: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 March-3 September 1915 - Page 153
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Thur. 15th. We relieved A Sqd. at dinner time, at 3 oclock a warboat escorted by several destroyers came on the scene & opened up a heavy bombardment, apparently on Achi-Baba. Bomb-Proof shelters are now erected here & the 'Phone is under one of these & quite comfortable. Cameron returned.
Fri. 16th. While cooking breakfast this morning the Turks opened fire with a 16 pounder & gave our trenches a rough time of it. Simpson was wounded in both legs also Davidson & Beale of B Sqd. received wounds. Sergeant Loveless took a swimming party of 6 men to the beach this morning. Loveless & two of the men were wounded with shrapnel while they were on the beach. A Monitor came along & put in an hour or two bombarding this afternoon. Penny & I went for a dip, a shell exploded on the beach as we were leaving (no casualties).