Item 02: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 March-3 September 1915 - Page 122

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Sun. 20th. Fell in at 8 o'clock last night & were marched up the hill under the New Zealand trenches & between them & the Turks, we are quite close to the Turks & could hear a gramophone going & the Turks having a smoke concert or something of the sort. Lieut. McMillan was in charge of the party (15 of us all told) Sergeant Loveless was the non-com in charge till midnight & I was on duty from midnight till 4 o'clock this morning. At 4 a.m. I was put in charge of a party of four (Penny, Smithers, Stanford & Hayes & are to remain on duty till 8 oclock to-night. One has to keep watch (2 hours shifts) & the others are allowed to sleep in the trench, we are not to fire on any account & only here for observation purposes. At 8 oclock a couple of

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