Item 02: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 21 March-3 September 1915 - Page 161

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[Page 161]

Wed. 28th. It is only a rumor about Wells being sent back, as he took over from Fiaschi to-day, before Fiaschi went he put in a report that that the health of the Regt. was not good enough for heavy work; the majority have had diaoherrea very bad for weeks now. A fatigue party of 100 men were taken from C Sqd. to-day to dig dug-outs ready for the Tommies when they land. Cooper (B Sqd.) was shot dead to-day by a sniper, he was standing by his dug out & shot through nearby.

Thurs. Last night a fatigue party from this Regt. had to go to the beach & drag a 6 in. Howitzer over the hills up onto Walkers Ridge. This afternoon as Penny & I were about to go for a swim a German Taube flew over us & came pretty low to drop 2 bombs on the beach (the bombs fell in the sea & did not harm) one of our machine guns opened fire on her & got a bully, as she seemed groggy & was falling fast when we last saw her over "Steels". It is said she turned over before reaching the ground & caught fire.

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