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Wednesday Jan 9th
went for a route march around the countryside, covered about 10 miles, was very interesting seeing the old villages and country lanes, passed one large place that had a hedge of holly, looked very nice with its red berries, we went through Heytesbury, Sutton Veny, & Boynton and came back a different route, reached camp again 12.30 very tired and ready for our grub. 1.45 PM Parade and was detailed with 3 others for a job, but had nothing to do all the afternoon, went to concert at Y.M.C.A. after tea.

Thursday Jan 10th
6.30 got up, weather not so cold. 9.30 went for another route march through Heytesbury & Bishopstrow to Warminster and were dismissed there for ½ an hour, and then were marched back again, 9 miles altogether, got back very footsore and weary. Warminster is a fair sized town, having some very good buildings and business paces. 1.45 on parade again, and were taken for another march, we were taken up a back lane and given a few movements and then allowed to sit down for the rest of the afternoon, until it was time to go back to camp. while we were sitting down an officer told us the reason why we are not allowed to put various things in our letters. reached camp again 4.30. went to bed early, had tummy ache all night.

Friday Jan 11th
6.30 got up, had been raining during night. 8.45 on Parade, and went to Dr, and got a dose of castor oil. Rowland King arrived from France. Had a lecture during afternoon.

Saturday Jan 12th
6.30 got up, had to dress in the dark as the lights were not turned on. 9 AM went to Dr again, & told me I had "Dyspepsia". no parades for afternoon, went for a walk. met two lads from B/dale who told me JB was at

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