State Library of NSW
[Page 129]
The village is a fair size and is not too badly knocked about. The local cemetery is crowded with graves of French civilians, French soldiers, Germans & now British. The whole countryside is honeycombed with fritz dugouts, some real underground cottages & splendidly constructed. The dugout three of us are occupying is solidly built and we are pretty comfortable. The weather has suddenly changed and became quite chilly with cool winds. Yesterday morning we had reveille at 4.30 and moved out at 6 o'clock through Prozart, along the Somme valley into Cappy & then up the hill to an old orchard where we took over the M.D.S. at noon from 8 Field Amb. We have had some casualties lately – three killed & 2 wounded. One of our motor ambs. struck a fritz mine on the road & went up – only two slightly injured. Several military medals lately for the bearers – a motor driver scored a bar to his. Our old orchard
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