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Thursday March 21st
up 6-30 AM, a foggy morning, turned out a fine spring day, during morning had gun laying until 10.30. 11 AM had to go and be disinfected then we had to change all our belongings from Hut 2 to Hut 13 so that the hut could be fumigated. after dinner, had more gunlaying, then got paid, after smoke oh had a lecture in room. I had a queer turn and had to go and lie down didn't have any tea and went to bed early.
Friday Mch 22nd
got up 6-30 feeling better. 8 AM gun laying until 10.30 then had to go through Formalin gas. 11.30 were turned into stables to clean horses until dinner time. after dinner had a lecture till smoke oh. then more gun laying till 5 PM. Weather getting warm, got quite a sweat up pushing the guns back to the gun park. I was picked out to go through a school of gunnery. 7 PM had to go night laying until 8 PM. then went to concert in Y.M.C.A.
Saturday Mch 23rd
up at 6.30, a glorious morning, dodged stables. 9 AM on parade. had to help clean out mess huts, lasted all morning? after dinner took a photo of the cooks and one of the inside of the cookhouse. 2 PM went for a walk into Warminster. spent the afternoon and evening there, and came home in a car, went to bed tired out.
Sunday March 24th
had to get up an hour earlier, as we had to put our watches on an hour (daylight saving) had to go into stables and clean out from 7 AM till a ¼ to 8. 9 AM Church parade but being in isolation, wasn't allowed to go, had to go and clean stables instead. 3 PM went to Fellowship meeting in Y.M.C.A. after meeting had a bonza