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instead of 50, secondly 75 steers from 18 months to 2 Years old instead of all above 6 ms to count as Heifers and Steers; for according to our Agreement, and your letter, you were to receive in March 1841 2 Bulls 67 Oxen 50 of which to weigh 600lbs to 700lbs each, 75 Steers 120 Cows and 90 Heifers, all calves under six months given in, consequently all calves above six months in said general herd to count as Heifers and Steers, that is to say from 5th Jany 1841. On the 5th March I mustered my Cattle, and found as follows, 2 Bulls 103 Oxen and Bullocks, 73 Steers 103 Cows, 62 Heifers, 18 Female and 16 Male calves. Any calves droped since are your property, and any deficiency in the H cattle I will order to be delivered from A S Cattle according to their proper sexes, with the bonus of Ten Cows. In the last paper I signed, you informed me there was no alteration except in the ten cows given to make up the deficiency of calves. In this I find 67 Oxen to weigh from 600lbs to 700lbs each instead of 50; and Steers from 18 months to 2 Years, instead of those from Six months and upwards, and the deficiency to be made up from cows instead of their sexes and ages. Trusting that this will meet with your approbation and that my Receipts to this effect will be satisfactory
I remain
Dear Sir
Yours truly
(Signed) Jas Hassall
Copy Of Letter to Captn Russell
Sydney 4th Augth 1841
I beg to forward to you as one of the Trustees to the estate of Edgar Hyland, an account of promissory notes due me for Sheep sold [indecipherable] and for which I hold a Warrant of Attorney, but having a friendly feeling for Mr Hyland I did not enter up Judgement; I therefore feel disposed to come in with the rest of the Creditors
The Bills are as follows viz
£ 30 .. 0 .. 0 due July 6th 1839
6 .. 5 .. 0 Interest
200 .. 0 .. 0 due 6th May 1839
45 .. 0 .. 0 Interest
200 .. 0 .. 0 due 6th May 1840
25 .. 0 .. 0 Interest
250 .. 0 .. 0 Due 6th May 1841
5 ..15 .. 0 Interest
742 . 0 0
100 . 0 0 Cash received on a/c
642 .. 0 .. 0 Balance due
I have the honor
to remain your Obedt Servt
(Signed) Jas Hassall