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[Page 7]
4 Dozen of Gentlemans Riding Gloves-
8 Dozen of Gentlemans Woodstock Gloves best quality--
6 Dozen 0f Gentlemans White rimmed double heeled Cotton
Stockings no seam at the Bottom of the Feet ----
12 Dozen of Ladies White Cotton Stockings half fine and
the other half of a stouter quality
6 Dozen of Unbleached Stockings
6 Dozen of unbleached Socks-
6 Dozen of Angola stockings-
1 Dozen of [Counterpins?] 12 Quarters
1 Dozen of [Counterpins?] 11 Quarters
12 Dozen of Ladies Hankercheifs fashionable patterns
4 Dozen of Ladies White [indecipherable]
4 Rolls of Silk fashionable Colours
2 Rolls of Pink Persian
2 Rolls of White do
20 Pieces of Gentlemans silk hankercheifs Spitalfields fashionable patterns
2 Pieces of Black Silk Hankercheifs large sise
6 Dozen fine Black Worstead Stockings
6 Crates of Cups and Saucers of a Deep Blue and
fashionable shapes
4 Crates of Plates and Dishes 1 Crate large sise and
3 Crates of sises but mostly small ones of a Deep
Blue and fashionable shape
[Page 2]
Parramatta 1 Feby 1828
Be pleased to lay in the Goods of
the best quality well packed and as many of the
small articles as possible to be packed with the Bennetts
to save Freight and to procure them at a reasonable
rate as they are for Public Sale and by so doing
You will greatly oblige
Your obedient Servant
Signed James Hassall
P.S. Relative to the above order you will have
advice concerning my arrangement with your
House in this Colony Signed JH