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indistinct owing to the mist & the distance. A two masted one funnelled steamer passed between us and the Islands. Tonight a lighthouse with a flash light can be seen on the starboard side.

Yesterday there were 62 cases in the Hospital. They were mostly measle cases. 15 patients were discharged today.

At 10 'O'Clock we lay off a little harbour in the Island of St. Vincent, and could see a lot of shipping & some war vessels. One of the most striking features was a round high rock rising like a pyramid out of the sea on the top of which was a lighthouse.

Saturday July 15. 1916
I was up early this morning. The Island is high & rocky & barren. There is a little town with substantional built Houses. There were 17 Steamers in the bay, most of them being interned vessels, 3 small schooners. But most important were 3 British men of war which lay to ready for action. We came in early this morning & lay too opposite the

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