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pier until 4.30. The band played and those on the wharf and also those on a liner close by cheered as we went out, the soldiers cheering in return, and giving the Australian Coo-ee. Before dark we were out in the open sea bearing with us favourable impressions of South Africa and its people.

While we were in Cape Town we took on board 24 deserters from a previous transport that had left a few days previously. Several of our own men who broke off from the march and came on board the next day were fined  £ 2 each and given 7 days in the [indecipherable]. The yellow flag was hauld down when we were out a few hours.

Saturday July 1. 1916.

A fine morning. The ship is rolling a lot and we are in the South Atlantic Ocean, enroute to England. The course is N.N.West and the wind is from the N.W. Up to 8. a.m. we made 176 miles knots since

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