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Before breakfast we passed between two Islands of the Cape Verde Groope. They are bleak high rocky islands, and appear to be barren. The one on the Port Side is the largest & very mountaneous. Houses could be seen on the other island, but the hazy weather prevented us getting a good view. We are about 400 miles from the mainland of Africa.

We are now past the Suns most Northerly point at this season of the year and to day the shadow at 12. O'Clock falls on the North side instead of the South as in the Southern Hemisphere. The shadow of a man is only a few inches long, but of course it will gradually lengthen as we get further North. At 12 p.m. the sun is practically vertically overhead.

[Shorthand not transcribed.]

About 4. P.M. what was thought to be land could be dimly seen above the horizon in a bank of clouds on the starboard side.

After tea, three distinct Islands could be seen on the same side, the one on the bow being the longest. They were all

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