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French soldiers & Red Cross nurses.  The nurses served us out with hot soup & Cocoa. We arrived at Mantes at 9 pm & stopped there for an hour. I bought some French Cards off a wounded soldier there & sent them to Pa. It was here I ran up the Railway Embankment & tried to converse with a few French Girls but made an ass of myself. I gave one of them an Australian badge. We arrived at Le Havre & was marched out to a British Rest Camp for about 7 hours & then marched back to the wharf again. We were loading soldiers kits & Officers Baggage into Channel steamers for 5 hours. We embarked at 10 pm that night & arrived at Southampton at about 9 am next morning. We were put into Carriages of the London & S.W.R bound for Codford, Salisbury. We arrived there at 3 pm & here I am at


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