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[Page 57]

from the Whites as from the Women and Boys = it was not alowed to be spoken about if any of the were near = It is now a thing of the past in this District = The last one was held at Kimbriki and a wretched affair it was, I  only a poor imitation of the first I saw when there were a larg number of Blackfellows at it = from the Tribes about Port Macquary down to Forster, it was worth seeing then, A few years back they made an attempt to hold one = somewhere at the back of Purfleet, but it ended in nothing = the outsiders would not attend and there were not enough left on the Manning to go through with it = I fancy a reason was that they had got too much into White ways, that they would have starved if they had to get their living by hunting as their Fathers did. At the last one in Kimbriki I must say I got pulled up by a Blackfellow I never got so pulled up by one of them before, I had asked the Headman (Lame Mickey) if they woul let me take a photo of the "Fire Place" as they call the "Grand Final" - Mickey said "all eight you take him" and I thought it was all right so went up with a camera and 12 plates = But I was met by a deputation of three


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