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[Page 54]

Gangat = is the name of the white breasted fish hawk as we call it - but the Old Blacks have told one that "Gangan" was the right name, and that was applied to a precipise, it is doubtful which is correct, Karrak Flat = correctly "Coram" is a sandy flat or place. J J. Martins was "Tulere" a dead tree or hollow log.

Many of the names are very hard to make out = now there are two places in this District that are of the same name "Beatung [Pompey?] now on the Dingo, one of the places, it is called Peter Pompey, and the other one is called Pipenpingey = Now Beatung Pompey refers to a Platipus and to an [eel?] but how no one knows, except a Darkie found an Eel with a Platipus in side of it = Bucka [wackah?] was to lay with your knees up = Strike a light was twisted from strikelet, the soldier Bird = Wangwank I am doubtful about = Wangwank was  not  their name for the flying fox as many Whites will tell you.

Walangat - must mean having a head = Kooringhat - having skins or a skin - Coppmgat having honey = all those three correctly ended with   = "ithe" - not ["ghat"] = Coolongook, correctly is Goolonki Goolongithe = having plenty of Bats from Goolet a Bat = "Bucklebak" was from "Buckle" a brown snake = freely translated Brown snake Gap or pass. Tyrille creek was from Tyrill a tick


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