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The Rocky falls was called "Birrum Keele Milimbah", freely translated it meaned Birrum (a male bird = no Eglish name for it) took a bath = or dip, in the water. KinKinnuck (a small bird) was the Kimbriki end of Gamgat = Limestone Flat was Woombe (another name for towack) = Burrile Creek from some place on it naned Burrilo (Red or Yellow) Moto, a black snake = Bootawah (a corruption of Boololoo) Water Rat, many other places I could get no meaning for, and now it is too late = CundelCundel was from a small vine growing about in the forest = it has a yellow fruit, with three black reeds caled "Cundel" = repeated, that there was plenty there, all these names were given fro some reason and I am sorry they are lost, Milbie was Pipe clay = Bunghwal from the Fern they dug up in the swamps = Water was "Bahto" = Fire ["Coyal"?] [Birri"?] Ground or earth "Buckeela" sleep = "Colah" angry " "Catti" go or go away In speaking to a Dog it was "Youk" "Curry Curry" be sharp or quick "Bilbong" the Bellbird "Kah Koo" the laughing Jackass = "Cooree" a Blackfellow "Mulingi" a girl or sister, "Bingi" Brother = "Bungi" = Comming or, tomorrow, "Keewack" the [Moon?], "Croka" the [Sun?] "toocal" large or big "Midgey" small "Niyah", Mother "Payah" Father, "Kewah" was crow, "Jeedah"the [Blue?] Wren