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hung in the wash house & was safe.
The course is 3 points N. of N.W., the sea is freshing and the wind is from the West.
I read another "Times" History of the War. Part 18. Vol. II, chapter XXXIV "The Battles of the Aisne" and Chapter 35 dealing with "Military Aeronautics and the British air service"
Wireless messages come through every day. Yesterday word came that the Russians captured 12,000 prisoners & 45 guns also that the French & British did well. To day a wireless stated further gains on all the fronts, but that the Germans succeeded in navagiating a submarine the [indecipherable] to America with 1000 tons of dye stuffs on board. She was chased by French & British cruisers 20 miles from the coast which delayed her 4 days.
Before dark we passed a large ship on the Port side. Her Hull was below the Horizon.
Wednesday July 12. 1916.
There was heavy rain early this morning, which drove those on deck below. The wind is W.N.W. The course is 4 points N. of N.West.
There was a short arm inspection this morning & a bath parade.
Another wireless came through bringing good news of further