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Copy of an authority &c to a Mr Daniel Roberts
This is to certify that I James Hassall has this 9th of Sepr rented and leased my farm called OConnell Plains to Mr Daniel Roberts and that he is hereby authorised to receive all my furniture or any of the property belonging to me and also to remove all tresspassers, and to impound all cattle or stock of any description found running on the aforesaid farm. And the aforesaid Daniel Roberts, in the purposeabove named is hereby empowered to act as I myself would do
(Signed) James Hassell
9th Sepr 1832
Copy of a letter to Revd T Hassall
Matavai 1st Octr. 1832
My dear Brother
I am willing to let you have my farm at OConnell Plains on the following terms. viz. By your giving me a lease of the Paddocks which are fenced in, and now let to a Mr Daniel Roberts, for seven years at peppercorn rent Also a lease of your farm at Buriona for twenty one years, at the same rent, and you paying half the expense of improvements made on the said farm, at the expiration of the lease. The right and title to your farm of Ninety acres joining Mr Mr Samuel Blackaans and for your to arrange with the Bank of New South Wales for the payment of Two hundred & ninety pounds on my account.
An early answer will obliger
Your affectionate Brother
Signed (James Hassal
Rev T. Hassall
Copy of a letter to the "Editor of the Australian"
Matavai 2nd Octr 1832
To my astonishment I received a not from you dated 22nd Sepr requesting me to pay £4 . 4 . 6 on or before Tuesday next to prevent unnecessary trouble. This is therefore to inform you that I am prepared to prove that in January 1830 I sent you a notice to discontinue your paper. In the beginning of February I offered, in the presence of Mr Robt Campbell, to pay a quarter in advance which you refused to accept, and I then told you I would not take the 'Australian' any longer. They were stopped for a considerable time, say a quarter and since that time about one or two a month be sent these I told Mr Shelly to refuse taking but the man that delivers the papers has thrown them at Mr Shelley's door. After all these facts which I can clearly prove you are at liberty to give yourself as much trouble as you may think proper.
I am
Your Obdt Servt
(Signed) James Hassall
A. E. Hayes Esq