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Copy of a letter from Aspinall, Brown & Aspinall, Dated Liverpool 17 Octr, 1828
New. S. Wales
James Hassall Esqr.
We received your esteemed favor of 28th January Pr. Midway with 103 Bales Wool to our Consignment also enclosing an order for various Goods which as far as the proceeds will accomplish shall be forwarded by the first opportunity - we offered the wool by Auction on the 9th Inst & there was a very large attendance of Dealers & Manufacturers from the Country, but from the dull state of the Market, it went off without much spirit & we only succeeded in selling 59 Bales as pr annexed prices all the prices are lower than last year they are fully 1d or 2d pr lb higher than the late London Sales, for wools of the same quality which clearly shows the advantage this market has over London from its locality, and the charges are considerably less - the dealers having purchased largely in London of Wools of the same quality @ 13d @ 14d, did not buy a single Bale & the whole were sold direct to the Manufacturer, & by putting them up in small lots enabled the man of small Capitall to buy, which was the means of it bringing the prices it did, & on the whole we must feel satisfyed with the result of the Sale, tho for your advantage we wish the Market had been better we see little chance of Improvement & we should be glad to sell the remainder of yours at 15d pr lb which we hope in a short time we shall accomplish - when we shall wait upon you with a/ sales - we wish in future you will mark in your orders for goods those that you wish the most, in case the Nett proceeds should not accomplish the whole.
Yours very truely
Aspinall Brown & Aspinall
Extract from catalogues of 280 Bales New S. Wales & 64 do Van D. Land Wool pr Medway offerred by Auction on Thursday the 9th October 1828
OH | |||
Lot | 48 | 3 @ 16¾ | Healy |
OH | 49 | 3 @ 16½ | do |
" | 50 | 6 @ 16 | Ainsworth |
" | 51 | 6 @ 16¼ | Morgan |
" | 52 | 6 @ 14¾ | Helsall |
" | 53 | 3 @ 15 | do |
" | 54 | 2 @ 15 | do |
" | 55 | 1 @ 15½ | do |
" | 56 | 1 @ 13¾ | Whitehead |
JHW | 67 | 5 @ 15 | Healy |
" | 68 | 8 @ 15 | do |
" | 69 | 8 @ 15 | Broker since sold by private to Ormrod & Co @ 16 pr lb |
" | 70 | 7 @ 15 | do do to J Healy @ 16d |
" | 71 | 4 | ) |
" | 72 | 5 | ) |
" | 73 | 4 | ) |
" | 74 | 4 | ) |
" | 75 | 8 | ) |
" | 76 | 8 | ) Taken in by Broker at 15d |
" | 77 | 5 | ) |
" | 78 | 3 | ) |
" | 79 | 2 | ) |
" | 80 | 1 | ) |