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came off at 11.30 when all hands had to assemble on deck with life belts on.

I finished reading a very long story "The Premier and the Painter" by I. Zangwill & Louis Cowen. It is a very interesting story, with flashes of real mirth, but there is a lot of dry details which makes the book of an inordinate length. There are many clever speeches & incidents in the book & it will well repay perusal.

At 2.30 Captain (Chaplain) McGregor conducted divine service on D. deck.

Monday July 3. 1916.
A bright sunny morning. The course is N.N.W. & the wind is from the South. There is a very heavy sea, but it is gradually moderating. We are now in the danger zone, and after 6. p.m. all smoking is prohibited, and there must be no lights showing. None of the main lights below are light. We are in semi darkness.

The ships carpenter repaired a hole in one of the boats to day. The

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