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ce qu'ile sont coiffés d'un grand chapeau mou à las Buffalo Bill. Signe particulierP: ils ne mettent jamais la main à ce chapeau. Le salut militaire leur est inconnu. Ils prétendent assimiler leurs officiers à des patrons d'usine. On obéit au patron dans le service. Hors du service on ne leur doit plus rien. Cette conception originale a d'abord un feu.
[Rough translation – One distinguishes the Australian and New Zealand soldiers by their large hats – same as Buffalo Bill. The salute they do with the hand never touching the hat. The military salute of theirs is unknown. They allege their officers are similar to factory bosses. We are governed by the boss in the factories, and by officers in service. Out of service they are nothing more. This original idea is a first.]
Leave to Orange (& Paris and Wimereux)
Receiving an invitation from a French family living in Orange in the Department of Vaucluse, France, to stay with them for a few days, I applied for six days leave & was considerably astonished when I was granted 8 days commencing Monday, 13th Dec.
The leave came through about 10 am on the previous day and I got away an hour later. Hopped a lorrie to Dranoutre where I drew some money from the Div. Paymaster and then went on to Bailleul. Arrived at Railway Station and found there was no train until