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who had fallen. Some of the wooden crosses erected are the work of thoughtful friends. In one case the deceased soldier's hat had been placed on the grave and on numerous others his metal badges & cloth shoulder patches had been affixed to the cross. I looked for names I knew and came across one –
No 1346, L/C A. Fry, 13th Inf. Bn. A.I.F.
Lindfield N.S.W. Aust.
Died of wounds, 14.3.16
I used to go to school with him once. And by a curious coincidence I met a chap from Lindfield (Wynne, Gladstone Parade) who knew Allen Fry and I showed him the grave.
Wed 4th July 1917
Went for a walk yesterday evening over to Varennes, 4 ½ kiloms. along a white road bordered by well cultivated fields in which old men & women were working industriously while all the able-bodied men are away fighting in the French sectors. The wheat & oats are ripening