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I was able to secure a few souvenirs. Had a couple of yarns with these Boches and have now picked up a few words of German. Struck one chap who spoke fluent French – he said he had had quite enough of the war & was quite satisfied to be a prisoner. The same day I had my first talk with some Portuguese. At first it was tremendously difficult as none of them can speak a word of English & I didn't know a word of their language. Yesterday the last of our dark-skinned allies were transferred to their Base at Etaples & my Portuguese lessons & conversation have come to an end. For the past week I have seen a couple of them every day and with the help of a rotten grammar – (the only Port. book I could find) have made fair progress. My two friends told me all about their sunny land of Portugal – so different to the cold & wintry part they are now in.
On Sunday evening, 8th inst went to a concert organised by the Conservatoire de Musique of Boulogne/sud-mer. Wednesday night there was a lecture in French on the "Effort of Alsace –