Series 12: James Hassall, letter book, 1827-1846, 1862-1870: No. 44

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Matavai  18th Decr 1841

According to your request to forward an order on Mr John Lloyd to deliver to you or your order 14 Cows 28 Hiefers and 18 Calves Total 60 Head being the number deficient of youre order received at Nariel I am sorry the Cattle ware so low in condittion at the time you received them but the only way I can account for it is thare being too great a quantity of grass and the calves not weaned in a proper time with respect to the Bull you complain of I beg to say he is not the one I intended you to have I will therefore exchange him or make you an allowance I hope to be at Cooks Vale myself on or about the 14th Jany to mustter my Cattle if you can make it convenient to receive then thare it will save a great deal of trouble in collicting the herd a second time

I am Sir
Yours faithfully
Signed Jas Hassall
Wm MacLeay Esqr

Wm Hope a true Copy

Matavai 18th Decr 1841

Plese deliver to Messers Wm and John Macliay or thare order Sixty head of Cattle being the number dificant at Nariel from the receipt they appear to be as follows 14 Cows 28 Hiefers and 18 Calves Total 60 Head  Give a fair average but not the pick

Signed Jas Hassall

To Mr John Lloyd
Cooks Vale

Wm Hope a true Copy

Copy of letter to Mr Thomas Preston - Boorowa
Matavai July 11th/ 43

Dear Sir For many reasons I find that you & I must part but still I hope it may be on friendly terms. And as I find I cannot afford to send my sheep to Gipps land must decline renting the farm on which you now live you will therefore please to procure another situation without delay as I shall transfer your charge to some other person when I go to the sale of land. I have just received another batch of orders from Wm Walton to the Amt. of £53 . 10 . 7 among which is £21 . 9 . 8 on yr own a/c. I a;lso find among those paid to Levy £30 . 11 . 1 to yr a/c besides £15 in favor of Wm Harrison making a total of £89 . 1 . 8 to yr own a/c  that does not appear in yr acts. with me if such omissions occur in yr own a/c similar must in the mens which I will compare at some future day. Would not it be well to come down and have all properly cleared up when you can consult with yr brother - once for all I will pay no more orders on yr a/c

Yours &c
signed James Hassall

Mr T Preston

P.S. If you come down I will try to purchase all your sheep Crops &c





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