To Alexdr MacLeay Esq.
Matavai 18th Sept 1841
Dear Sir
I have to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 13th Inst, and in answer beg to say that my Superintendant will be ready to Start to the Hume River, in three weeks from this time to deliver the cattle purchased of me for your nephews Messrs Wm & John MacLeay. And as the Spring is now commenced I have no doubt the cattle will all be found, and your nephews will be satisfied with them. The last time they were there the cattle were low in condition, it being winter, and the weather exceedingly rainy for some weeks. Had they being prepared to accompany me, when I went up in Feby last, the cattle were in good condition, and no [indecipherable] or extra expence would have occurred. Mr Smith will call as before at your Station Darcutter Creek Murrumbidgee And I shall feel obliged by your writing to them in Order that they may be ready when he calls.
With regard to the last Order I signed I beg to say that it was your Son George who drew it up & it was copied by my Clerk, and as I was very ill at the time, I did not even peruse it as your son told me there was no alteration from the former Order, with the exception of the addition of ten cows, for what he considered as a deficiency in the number of Calves they were to receive
I am
Dear Sir
Yours Truly
(Signed) Jas Hassall
Copy To Sir Thos Mitchell
Matavai 20th Sept 1841
I beg to inform you that I have received a letter from Mr John Lloyd in which he tells me that your Overseer has placed, between 16 & 1700 Sheep upon my Cattle run at Cooks Vale Gorgianna , Mt Hall, a mile from my boundary line and being the two main bedding places for my Cattle. I understand from Mr Lloyd that it was by the recommendation of Capt Perrey that the overseer placed them their, but I feel certain had you seen the run yourself you would not allow them to remain one week on it for the Hills are scrubby & Barren in wet weather the flats are very soft and swampy and I have no doubt but they would die of rot not to say anything of the injury it would do me by driving my Cattle away from their run.
I trust that you will take the matter into consideration and upon finding my statement to be correct that you will cause them to be removed as soon as possible an early answer will greatly oblige
Your most Obt Servt