valued by two indifferent persons one chosen by each of us. Also my Sheep Station free from any expence, within ten miles of the said grant of land I also bind myself to remove all my Stock within four months from the date of purchase.
I shall feel happy to communicate with or see you on the subject when convenient
I remain Dear Sir
Yours truly
(Signed) Jas Hassall
Matavai 8th July 1835
Revd & Dear Sir
Agreeable to your request I beg to inform you that the Revd H Nott left cash in Mr Eager hands to the amt of £103 at the formation of the Bank of N.S.W to purchase shares but shortly after the establishment of the Bank Mr E. wrote Mr N to say that the Bank had failed but that he would return him the principal on which Mr N drew an order in my favour to receive it but Mr E had sailed for England before I got the order. I then called on Mr F.E. Forbes, but he said he knew nothing of the transaction and if there was any a/c [indecipherable] then it must have been a private one & therefore declined paying it. In the year 1822 I received another order drawn by Mr Eager in favor of Mr Nott on Mr Forbes for the sum of £94. 7. 2 Fifty pounds of which I was to receive in Cash and the remainder in goods according to advices received from Mr N. on presenting (No Cards) the order Mr F said Mr E had written to him not to pay any order he had given to the [indecipherable] Missionaries, and showed me a paragraph of the letter that the London M Society would not allow him any thing on the Vessel called the Duchess of York and that he intended was with them on his return to the Colony.
Below is a copy of Mr Es order to Mr F
I am
Dear Sir
Yours truly
Revd S. Marsden
Jas Hassall Tahiti Decr 18th 1821
My dear Sir
Mr Nott informs me he has written to Mr James Hassall to receive the Balance of his a/c with me. If you have not already paid it, be so good as to pay the amt to Mr Notts order on receipt of this. From the a/cs here it appears to be £94 7. 2
I am
My dear Sir
Yours truley
Signed Edwd Eager
F.E. Forbes Esq
James Hassall
Signed E [indecipherable]