Copy of a letter to the Revd Saml Marsden
Dear Sir
I answer to your application to exchange my land in MacQuarie Street Parramatta for the House and land attached in which Mr Amos at present resides. I believe to state that I have no objection provided I receive the above mentioned land free of [indecipherable] and the corporation pay all expanse of conveyance or I am willing to take three hundred and fifty pounds in @ [indecipherable]
I have the honor to be
Revd Sir
Your obdt Servant
(Signed) Jas Hassall
Revd Saml Marsden
Copy of a letter to Archdeacon Broughton
Matavai 9th Jany 1833
Revd Sir
Not having an opportunity of Seeing you when last in Sydney, I beg to state that in reference to my land adjoining the Soldier's Barracks at Parramatta, I should be willing to change it for the House & premises in George Street at the back of the Prisoners Barracks; or for the sum of £350. Three hundred and fifty pounds stg
I have the honor
To remain
Your Obdt Servant
(Signed) Jas Hassall
The Venerable
The Archdeacon Sydney
Copy of a letter to The Board for the Assignment of a Servant
Mattavai 30th May 1833
Having made two applications for Ten assigned Servants, on the 14th Feby and 18th August 1832 I beg to state that I have only received one man since that time. Six men have received their Tickets of Leave and there are about the same number now due. Under these circumstances I have to request that Ten men may now be assigned me, as my concerns are very extensive, and the Stations remote from each other.
I am
Your humble servant
(Signed) J W Hassall
Copy of a letter to Captain Philip King R.N.
Matavai 1st June 1833
My dear Sir
In answer to yours of the 21st Ultimo I have no objection to sell my farm at Bolong consisting of two Sections at the sum of 7/-d per acre with the improvements thereon to be valued