Series 12: James Hassall, letter book, 1827-1846, 1862-1870: No. 27

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Sydney, he informs me that he shall be able forthwith to settle the debt &c. He nis the Bearer of this letter.
I am 
Sir Your Obdt Servt
(Signd) James Hassall

Geo Allen Esq


8th June 1830

To C.H. Chambers Esq
We acknowledge your letter calling upon us for the settlement of our obligations to the B of N.S. Wales, and we should have done so much sooner, had the least prospect either of effecting sales of Stock or Land, Sufficient to meet the demand of the Institution. But till last week no opportunity presented itself, however great the sacrifice might be to which we would have submitted.

We have now great pleasure in informing you that in a reasonable time we have a prospect of coming to an arrangement with the Bank, and we shall take an early opportunity of communication the particulars which we hope will be satisfactory.

We embrace this opportunity of repeating our high sense of our obligations to the Directors of this institution on account of their forbearance, and to assure you the demand upon us should not have been laying over so long had we had the possibility of liquidating it We need not state the difficulties made which mere graziers have laboured for the last years in attempting to raise small funds and the still greater when those funds where required to be of a large amount. We ourselves have felt them to be peculiarly heavy.

We are
Your Obdt Servts
W Walker
Signed James Hassall


Parramatta 16th June 1830

To R Therry Esq
Commissioner of the Court of Requests
From the multiplicity of the concerns which engage me in the interior, numerous occasions require me to employ an Agent for the purpose of conducting business before your Court. For some time this business has been confided to Mr H. Taylor of Parramatta. And in a recent case, in which my Agent acted for me and obtained a [indecipherable], I conceive that the intentions of your Award have been very unjustifiably neglected by the officers under your Control

So far as I can




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