[Page 20]
5th March 1829
Please receive from Mr James Hassall (14) Fourteen Bales of Wool marks, weights. & numbers stated pr Margin to be shipped on Board the Mary Hope bound for Liverpool
Your Obdn Servt
(Sg) John Wilson
Messrs Bell & James
George St Sydney
[In margin]
148 lb 261
149 230
150 334
151 308
152 342
153 329
154 308
155 342
156 314
157 330
158 280
159 331
160 293
161 308
lbs 4313
Gross wt
Copy of a letter sent to Mr James for Geo Steel Parramatta
Parramatta 19th March 1829
Agreeable to our arrangement on tie 23rd of Decr 1828 to ship on Board the Mary Hope (10,000) Ten Thousand pounds of Wool on the advance of (8) eight pence Sterling per pound.
I have to honor to inform you that I have shipped (43) Forty three Bales of Wool Marks Wt & Nos as stated per Margin the same to be consigned to your agent by Messrs Kent [indecipherable] Ship Agents Liverpool.
I am Sir Your Obedt Svt
(Sign) James Hassall
To Mr James [indecipherable]
[In margin]
Nos Mks W
114 BD 236
115 238
116 200
117 219
118 209
119 209
120 209
121 223
122 214
123 209
124 200
125 238
126 229
127 209
128 234
129 236
130 347
131 222
132 344 Brought up 6746
133 215 Nos 144 277
134 204 145 215
135 219 146 218
136 212 147 248
137 219 148 H&W 261
138 215 149 230
139 278 150 224
140 290 151 308
141 225 152 342
142 231 153 329
143 214 154 308
6746 Carried over 155 342
156 214
Gross Wt
430 Tare
10042 Nett