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Copy From James Hassell to the Preceding
Parramatta [indecipherable] 1828
Yours' of the 17th Inst, offering to advance Eight pence per lb on the wool and I may ship by the Mary Hope if addressed to your agents; which advance shall become due one month after the sailing of the vessel, and that I shall take part of this advance in goods", came safely to hand.
I have only to inform you that I approve the conditions and shall dispatch my shearing with all haste to expedite your business and prevent delays.
I am Gentlemen
Yr Obt Servt.
(signed) Jas Hassall.
To Mr Jem Hughes Sydney
Parramatta 11th Decr 1828
Dear Sir
I have been to Windsor I have got the papers relative to the farm I offered for Sale the title of wh [indecipherable] will show to you. I called at Mr Prouses & showed the [indecipherable] to him when he declared he had not one so good to any of his land. If sale is effected between you and me of course you will pay yourself what Mr Jonathon owes you + the remainder I will take in [indecipherable] any other thing that will tell in Price - you answer to this will greatly
Oblige Yr Obedt Servant
John Walker
NB Mr Jonathon has given me a regular power of attorney to transact this business
Nos lbs
1 193
2 191
3 174
4 195
5 190
6 182
7 161
8 164
9 165
10 161
11 189
12 185
13 165
14 190
15 234
16 185
17 187
18 199
gross 3311 lbs
B&H missing 188lbs
Parramatta 11th December 1828
Please to receive from Mr James Hassall /18/ Eighteen Bales of Wool Marks weights & Nos as per margin to be shipped on Board the Mary Hope Bound for Liverpool
From Yr Obedt Servant
John Walker
To Mesrs Bell & James
Ship Mary Hope
NB [indecipherable] a receipt by [indecipherable]
Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Jas Orr
Parramatta Decr 13th 1828
Against the sum of £335 Stg advanced by you to me on Wool I hereby agree to deliver to you10.000 lbs weight of wool to cover that amount to be shipped om board the Mary Hope bound to Liverpool to be consigned to your agent for payment of said sum of £335 clear of all expenses Freight &c and any balance to be handed over by your agent to Messrs Keas &Imrie
I am Sir
Your mObdt Servt
(Signed) Jas Hassall
To Mr Jas Orrs