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Stout Calico 50 Yards pieces. @ 10d per Yard
I beg to remark that there will be an additional charge of [2£?] 10/ for packing and Carriage and that the [indecipherable] are all in Sterling Money
I remain Revd Gentlemen
Your most obt Servant
Signed James Hassall
Messrs Mansfield and Hinks
Macquarie Street
[The following copy of a letter to Rev Nott has been crossed out]
Copy of a letter to Revd H J Nott
Parramatta 12th Apl 1828
My Dear Friend
Your's of 21 Jany 28 carried safe to land. I was most happy to hear of your safe return.
I fully intended to have written you by by the Industry but expected you to have returned by the Colony Mr Shelleys letters must have miscarried as he told me he had written & sent you returns of Cattle &c your Cattle I delivered into Mr Shelleys charge on the 10th of May 1826. The total number was then 97 Head viz 8 [indecipherable] 16 Steers 14 Male Calves 38 Cows 9 Heifers and 15 Heifer Calves. On a visit at Mr S's Station some time after I saw the Calves branded 16 for you & 8 for Mr S as I am so seldom in Aigili I cannot be present at all the branding but will as often as I can make it convenient.
Inclosed I send you a Copy of your a/c which I hope will give every satisfaction there was a balance in your favour of £3..10..2 cy which I have setteld with Mr Shelley for Mother joins me in kind regards to yourself and Mrs Nott
I remain
Yours faithfully
(Signed) JamesHassall
To Revd Nott Tahiti
P.S. Mr Shelley visits you by this conveyance and will give you every information relative to your cattle JH
[end of deletion]
Copy of a letter to the Revd H Nott
Parramatta 22 June 1828
My Dear Friend
Yours of 21st Jany 28 came safe to hand. I was most happy to hear of your safe return. I fully intended writing by the Industry but expected you to have returned by way of the Colony. [Names of ships]
Mr Shelley's letters must have been mislayed as he told me he had written & sent you returns of yr Cattle &c