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after all the pains I have taken to prevent the total destruction of this Colony I must endeavour to do justice to my self; but, confident in the attention that I trust will be paid to my representation, & an [indecipherable] decision made therein, leads me to hope that, I shall not receive the mortification of finding myself deserted by those, whose Instructions, founded on Justice & Humanity, I have been so zealous in enforcing, Most Certainly, to the disadvantage of those, who have made riches by the destruction of their Fellow Creatures - I shall close this disagreeable subject, by requesting that you will preserve my present dispatches, &  after having giving them that candid perusal  which I know am sure you will do, I know you will think & do what is right & just - both in saying & acting X  In my letter to Lord Hobart I have requested proper people being sent out to investigate the Concerns of this Colony - should he not approve of that measure I have requested His Majestys leave of Absence, For whatever disagreeable events happen to my self, I will not leave my post improperly; but whether I go, or stay, this Colony will never do well until the present Military Officers are removed, but who will be Governor - and should Etiquette prevent that being done to the extent it might be wished, most certainly there ought to be a mixture of Corps

Current Status: 