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Sun 10th
Rowling paid us a visit today he said the storm shifted both piers at Anzac both the captured sailing vessels broke up & disappeared; Nelson has been off color for some time & went to the Dr today & was sent away with jaundice, he looks very bad on it; I am acting Sergeant till he returns & one of the old 12th L.H. boys is going on at F.R.A. as they have a spare man; I tapped the Adj for 3 oilsheets for a cover over P.R.A. 'phone box but was told that it was impossible to get them but we are to have iron as soon as possible. Took a walk around for my gear this evening & struck the Church Service in full swing when I was returning, so I waited to hear the benediction, A report came through at 8 o'clock last night that the Turks had opened a gas cylinder on hill 60