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Wed 1st
A lovely warm sunny day today although water freezes in the cans all day, any one who had earthenware jars to hold water woke up on Sunday morning to find they had broken during the night, as the water froze & expanded; Capt Stucky put in a complaint some time ago against Liuetenants (Weir and Harris) being made O.C.'s of Sqds & put over him, Saturday night last he received a message to leave for Egypt at 5 AM Sunday morning with his batman, but there was no boat to meet him at the pier & he has been having false alarms ever since, the latest order for him is to go at 5 oclock tomorrow morning; I suppose we shall hear next that he was sent back for incompetency, We have had no fighting to test him but I think he is a good man & only being sent back to give the Officers of the old Regt the rise;

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