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one NCO & 5 men were sent away from both the 1st & 2nd L.H Regts at 7 oclock tonight take the more important records of the Regts; Lieut McGuigan received order to take a fatigue party of 10 men to proceed to the junction of SAZLI-BEIT-DERE at beach road near mule camp to guard stores belonging to 3rd L.H. McGuigan was arrested on the road as a German spy & taken to the beach where the Colonel had to go to have him released; Lieut Wright had to take Mac's places & when he arrived at the stores found they had been looted 5 transports are in tonight to receive troops & they must be quite visible to the Turks as it is bright moonlight tonight; Our lads leaving tonight are attached to N.Z. Infantry Bde who are embarking tonight; The Turks rigged up a dummy this afternoon with arms working a good many rounds were fired from the machine gun & rifles before it found out to be a dummy.