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[Page 22]

13 - So far nothing new, bombardment normal, if anything not so intense owing to horrible weather.  Deligtful wandering about the trenches. Still no talk of reléve.

14 - The attack in afternoon 30 hrs but get of results reléve evening, we are to eat at the Bois des Bourrus. 

15 - Kitchens not there. Twenty 4 hours since men have eaten & they complain. They are tired & the ground is very heavy. Only consolation we are leaving the Boches. Arrive Mercourt 7.00 where we find the kitchen. Needless to add the meal is duly honoured. Cars do not arrive till 2. They bring fresh troops from the repos. Meantime we have another meal & good drenching. Arrive Hermonville pretty habitable village S of Bure le Bac [possibly Bar le Bac] about 6. Dog tired to clean up, & sleep.

17 - Do. sleep & shower. Mail arrives 1st for 3 days.

18 - Reveu d'arme etc.  

Current Status: 