Item 03: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 4 September-18 December 1915 - Page 97

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[Page 97]

Fri 26th
Sold 28 cabbages this morning we decided to keep all the mandarines & potatoes, has been very cloudy with a few drops of rain during the day & it being my turn to do the trip to Bde HQ with the daily state, I had a rough passage; the night was pitch dark except when a flash of lightning lit up the country & just as I was about the start the storm broke & the sap to Bde being all up & down hill, I had several falls & a very interesting trip right through by walking into the end of the sap where I should have turned etc. Boots, socks, trousers & overcoat were all that got wet & I turned into bed soon after I got back; I believe the Turks got quite cheeky today opposite the 6th & 7th L.H. gathering wood from in front of their trenches, the lads stood it for a long time & then a few opened fire against orders. The order not to fire was renewed & now lasts till midnight tomorrow.

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