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New Wales or East Coast of New Holland
July 1770 Sunday 22d ([written in margin:] Endeavour River) Fresh breezes at SEt and ESEt employ’d as yesterday AM the wind would not permit us to Sail, sent the Turtlers out again in opening of one to day we found sticking thro’ both Shoulder bones a wood Harpoon, or Turtle Peg 15 Inches long barded at the end such as we have seen among the Natives, this proves to Demonstration that they strike Turtle I suppose at the Time they come ashore to lay their Eggs for they certainly have no boat fit to do this at Sea or that will carry a Turtle & this Harpoon must have been a good while in as the wound was quite heal’d up.
Monday 23d Fresh breezes in the SEt quarter, which so long as it continues will confine us in Port. Yesterdy AM I sent some people in the Country to gather greens, one of wh stragled from the rest & met with 4 of the Natives by a fire on which they were broiling a Fowl & the hind leg of one of the Animals before spoke of, he had the presence of mind not to run from them being unarm’d) least they should pursue him but went & set down by them & after he had set a little while & they had felt his hands & other parts of his body they suffer’d him to go away without offering the least insult & perceiving that he did not go right for the Ship they directed him which way to go.
Tuesday 24th Winds & wear continues the Seamen employ'd making rope caulking the Ship Fishing etc.
Wednesday 25th Fresh gales at SEt and fair wear in the evening the Yawl came in, having not been able to Strike one Turtle on account of the blowing wear nor can we catch much fish with the Sean in the Harbour.
Thursday 26th Winds & wear as Yesterday such people as can be [Indecipherable] from the necessary Dutys of the Ship are empld fishing & gathering greens & other refreshments.
Friday 27th Very fresh Gs at EbS & fair wear AM caught as much fish as serv'd 3/4 [lbs?] a man & Mr. Gore shott one of the Animals before spoke of which weighed 80lb[?] and 54[lb] exclusive of the entrails Skin & head this was as large as the most we have Sean.
Saturday 28th Winds & wear as above without the least Variatn the whole of this 24 hours. The Carpenters finish’d caulkg the Ship.
Sunday 29th Winds at SEt a fresh breeze until 5 AM at which time it fell calm & soon after had a light breeze from the land upon this I sent a Boat to see what water was upon the bar (it being 2 hours Ebb) & hove up the Anchor in order to put to Sea but upon the return of the Boat came too again as there were only 13 feet water on the Bar which was 6 Inches less water than what

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