James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 192
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New Zealand
[In the margin below the date is written:] Charlotte Sound
1770 January Wednesday 17th Light airs Calm & pleasant wear. PM righted the Ship & got the other side ready for heeling out & in the evening hauled the Sean & caught a few fish while this was doing some of us went in the Pinnace into another Cove not far from where the Ship lays; in going thither we meet with a Woman floating upon the Water who to all Appearence had not been dead many days, soon after we landed we meet with two or three of the natives who not long before must have been regaling themselves upon human flesh, for I got from one of them the bone of the Fore Arm of a Man or Woman which was quite fresh & the flesh had been but lately picked off which they told us they had Eat, they gave us to understand that but a few days before they had taken Kill'd & Eat a Boats Crew of their Enemies, or strangers, for I believe they look upon all strangers as Enemies; from what we could learn the Woman we had seen floating upon the water was in this Boat & had been drowned in the fray.There was not one of us that had the least doubt but what these people were Canibals, but the finding this Bone with part of the Sinews fresh upon it, was a Stronger proof than any we had yet met with & in order to be fully satisfied of the truth of what they had told us, we told one of them that it was not the bone of a Man but that of a Dog but he with great fervency took hold of his Fore Arm & told us again that it was that bone & to Convince us that they had eat the flesh he took hold of the flesh of his own Arm with his teeth & made Signs of Eating — AM Careend scrub'd & pay'd the Starboard side of the Ship: while this was doing some of the natives came a long side seemingly only to look at us, there was a woman among them who had her Arms, thighs & legs cut in several places, this was done by way of mourning for her Husband who had very lately been Kill'd & eat by some of their Enemies as they told us & pointed towards the place where it was done, which lay some where to the Eastwd. Mr Banks got from one of them a Bone of the Fore Arm much in the same state as the one before mention'd & to shew us that they eat the flesh they bit & Naw'd the bone & draw'd it through their Mouths & this in such a manner as plainly shew'd that the flesh to them was a Dainty bit.
Thursday 18th Winds mostly from the SWt a gentle breeze & Clear settled wear. PM righted the Ship & sent on shore all or most of our empty Casks, & in the Morning the Coopers went about trimming them & the Carpenters went to work to Caulk the sides & to repair other defects in the Ship, while the Seamen were Employ'd in the hold, cutting Woodetc etc. I made a little Excursion in the Pinnace in order to take a View of the Bay, accompanied by Mr Banks & Dr Solander we met with nothing remarkable & as we were on the west side of the Bay where the