
Remarkable Occurrences in the So Seas ~

Fresh breezes & Cloudy the firstp.t  in the night Squally with rain remainder moderate & fair weather. At 3 AM saw the appearance of high land to the Eastw. bore up towards it but at 10 we discover'd it to be only Clouds at which we hauld our wind to the Southward at Noon found the Ship by Observ.n 21 Miles to the Northw.d of the Log which may in some measure be owing to a SW. swell we ^have had felt the last 24 hours.

A Gentle breeze with some flying showers of rain had a large Swell from the SW all day much larger than Yesterday & this must be the reason why the observ'd Latitude differ'd from the Log again today 16 miles ~
The first part Calm remainder light breezes& Clear Variation & Amplitude in the evening 8o8'E in the Morning 7o56'E. Carp.s empl.d repairing the Boats the SW. swell still Continues but not so much as yesterday & the obsd Lat.d & Log Agree's
Little wind with much rain in the night, the SW swell still Continues from which I conclude that there is no land near us in that Quarter ~
Little wind all this day, saw a large Albetross ~
Fresh Gales & Heavey wea.r saw  2 Pintado Birds the first I have seen this Voyage they are larger than a Pidgeon & checquer'd black & white over their backs & wings with white Bellies, Black heads & the end of their Tails black.
First part Strong Gales with much rain Thunder & Lightning remainder moderate & fair wea.r about Noon saw some rock weed, An Albetross & some Smaller ^Sea Birds ~
Little wind for the most part & pretty clear wea. in the night had some Showers of rain saw a [Goampus?] & several Pintado Birds ~
The first part light Airs & Calm. Middle mod.te breezes & Cloudy latter p.t very squally with rain AM Var.n & 7'.10 E.t at Noon took in the Tops. & got down Topgall.s yards saw a Water Spout in the NW it was about the breadth of a Rainbow of a dark Colour the Upper end of the Cloud from whence it came was ab.t 8ยบ above the Horizon ~
The first & middle parts Strong Gales & Squally with rain, remainder mod.te & Cloudy PM the Main topsail being Split & bent another in the night lay too under the Foresail & in the morning made sail under the Courses & Topsails with one reef out, had a large Sea from the Southward. saw several Albetrosses. Pintado Birds & Shere Waters some of the Albetrosses were small such as we usually saw off Cape Horn~
all these kind of birds are generally seen at a great distance from land ~
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Ready for review