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                          Georges Island
tion I thought they would be ill able to stand the Cold weather we might expect to meet with to the Southward at this Season of the Year & therefore I resolved to give them a little time to recover while we run down to &  explor'd the Islands beforementioned.

Tupia informs us that in the month of November, December and January they have constant Westerly winds with rain.

Remarkable occurrences at Sea

Friday. July Gentle breezes at NE & Clear wear, I have before made mention of our departure from Royal Bay on the preceeding forenoon& likewise that I had determined to sail down to  Huiheine & Ulietea before we stood to the Southward, but having discovered from the Hills of Georges Island an Island laying to the Northward, we first stood that way to take a nearer View of it / this Island is called Tethuroa it lies N½W.t, distant 8 leagues from Point Venus & is a small low uninhabited Island frequented by the people of Georges Island for fish with which it is said to abound. At 6 AM the  Westermost part of York Isl.d bore SE ½ S & the body of Georges Island E½S, Punished the 2 Marines, who attempted to desert from us at Georges Island with 2 Dozen lashes each and then released them from confinement at Noon the body of Yorke Island bore EbS ½S. Royal Bay S.º70: 456 dist. 61 Miles &an Island which we took to be Saunders Island discover'd by Capt.on Wallace / called by the Natives Tapoamanau / bore SSW Latitude observed 17º 9' S.º. Saw land bearing NW½W.t which Tupia calls the Island of Huaheine


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