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Remarkable Occurrences &I[incidents]. at Rio De Janeiro

Thursday This day a Spanish Packet/ a Small Brig/ from Bonas Airs put in here in her way to Spain this Vessel belonged to hir Catholic Majesty. & withstanding the Vice Roy had all along pretended that the orders he had respecting Foreign Vessels were General yet this Vessel meet with very Different Treatment from us, no Guard was put over her & her Officers & Crew went where ever they pleased ~

Friday} Employ'd getting onboard Water as Saturd.y .26} fast as the Coopers could set up & repair the Casks, setting up the rigging & Caulking the Ships sides ~

Sunday Bent the Sails & Clean'd the Ship Fore & Aft ~

Monday Fine pleasant wea.r  the Caulkers having finished the sides paid them with Tar, this day I unexpectedly received an Answer from my last Memorial wherein were only a few Weak Arguments to Support his ^Excely Suspicions that the Ship did not belong to the King & that my People Smugled;[sic] this Memorial I Answered~

Tuesday Employ'd Lashing the Casks that were on the upper Deck & between Decks & making ready for Seas~

Wednesday  Punished Robert Andersen Seamen & William Judge Marine with 12 Lashes Each, the former for leaving his Duty ashore & attempting to desart[sic] from the Ship & the Latter for using abusive language to the Officer of the Watch, & John Reading Boats Mate with 12 Lashes for not doing his Duty in punishing the above two Men, sent aShore to the Vice Roy for a Pilot to Carry us to Sea, who sent [on?] onboard together with a Large Boat which I did not want, but it is the Custom in this Port for the Pilot to have such a Boat to attend upon the Ship they Pilot [indecipherable] & for which you must pay 10/ per day. besides the Pilots fees which is Seven pounds four shillings Sterling~

Thursday December Wind at SE which hinder'd us from Sailing as we intended. Received onboard a large Quantity of fresh Beef Greens & Game for the Ships Comp.y

Friday 2.nd This morning sent a Packet for the Secretary of the Admiralty onb.d  the Spanish Pacquat containing Copy's of all the Memorials & Letters that have passed between the Vice Roy & likewise another Packet containing Duplicates thereof I left with the Vice Roy to be by him forwarded to Lisbon, at 9 Weighed & came to sail & turned down the Bay. Peter Flower Seaman fell overboard & before any Assistance could be given him was drown'd in his room are got a Portugue[sic]

Saturday 3.rd Firstp.t mod.t breezes at SE.t remainder fresh Gales at S.ยบ with Rain at 1PM Anchor'd in 18 fa.m Water in the Great Road/ see Plan ~

Sunday Fore & Middle parts fresh Gales at SSE.t with heavy rain Latter Variables light Airs & fair wea.r hoisted in their Longboat & secured her,~

Monday Firstpart little wind & Cloudy. Middle Thunder Lightning & Rain


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