James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 125
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Remarks etc Ulietea
neither their Musick or Dancing were at all Calculated to please a European. There were likewise some men who acted a kind of a Farce but this was so short that we could gather nothing from it only that it shew'd that these people have a Notion of Dramatick performances & some of our Gentlemen saw them act a farce the next day wherein was 4 Acts & it seem'd to them to represent a War between the Bolabola Men & those of Ulietea, wherein the former triumph'd over the latter, but what might help them to draw this Conclusion was the knowing that such a thing has not long ago hapned between these 2 People & that the Bolabola Men at present possess most of the Lands on the Island this is their grand Dramatists Heiva & I believe is occasionally perform'd in all the Islands. upon my return to the Ship in the evening I found that they had got onboard 20 Tuns of Ballast & this I thought would be sufficient. in the morning we sent all our water Casks onshore & got them all off full by Noon. This morning I received a prest from Opoony the Earee de hi of Bolabola who at this time was upon this Island it consisted of 3 Hogs, some peices of Cloth, plantains, Cocoa Nutts etc. these were sent by his Servants & I was told that he would come the next day himself.
Saturday 5th. This evening we bought as much fish as the whole Ships Compy could destroy while good. In the morning I sent the Master to the North East of the Island with the Long boat to Traffick with the Natives for Provisions as they did not bring it to the Ship as they had hitherto done, & myself accompanied by Mr Banks & Dr Solander went in the Pinnace to the Southern part of the Island partly on the same account & partly to Examine that part of the Island in our rout we passed thro' 2 Harbours equally as good as the one in which the Ship lays,but the Country about them is poorer & but thinly inhabited & we got no one thing worth bringing home with us. but the Master succeeded something better.
Sunday 6th Variable light Airs & fair wear. I sent the Master again to the Northward to procure refreshments who return'd not unsuccessfull. Opoony the Chief sent some of his people this morning to me to get something in return for the present he sent the other day he not choosing as I suppose to trust himself on board or perhaps he thought the persons he sent (who were very pretty young girls) would succeed better than he should do, be this as it may they went away very satisfied with what they got altho' I believe that they were disappointed in somethings ---
Monday 7th. Variable light Airs pm some Showers of rain. being desirous to see